On October 26, the "Guide to China's  Used Trucks Export Countries (2021)" (the "Guide") was officially released. The "Guide" selects 23 countries with good market conditions and high export potential for in-depth research, covering relevant information on markets, policies, regulations, taxes, and procedures.

It is understood that since 2019, the Ministry of Commerce, in conjunction with relevant departments, has supported 30 regions to carry out used trucks export business in two batches, continued to optimize supervision and service models, and accelerate the release of used trucks export potential. At present, the export of used trucks has achieved initial results. As of September 2021, my country has exported 14,000 used trucks, with an amount exceeding 100 million U.S. dollars, and sold to 102 countries and regions around the world.

In order to help used trucks car export companies to open up overseas markets, the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce entrusted China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd. and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Automobile Dealers Association Used Trucks Export Professional Committee to compile the "Guidelines for China's Used Trucks Car Export Countries (2021 )".

The "Guide" summarizes the current development of my country's used trucks export business from the dimensions of domestic policies, markets, enterprises, products, and processes, focusing on the analysis of the global used trucks export market and the development of used trucks export in developed countries such as Japan and South Korea. Management experience, selecting 23 countries with good market conditions and large export potentials for in-depth research, covering relevant information on markets, policies, regulations, taxes, and procedures.

In addition, the "Guide" also compiled 69 used trucks export-related policy documents issued by domestic government departments at all levels, enumerating a large number of cases and data, and provided important reference and reference for government departments and enterprises at all levels. The "Guide" will help used trucks export companies to grasp more overseas market information in a timely manner, seize opportunities, select target markets and products in a targeted manner, and do a good job in overseas marketing and after-sales service. It has a positive effect on enhancing the international competitiveness of China's used trucks and promoting the healthy and sustainable development of used trucks exports.

The person in charge of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce pointed out that my country's used trucks exports face many favorable conditions, and the future development potential is great, and the prospects are promising. At present, the export of used trucks is generally in the initial stage of exploration. In order to promote the healthy and orderly development of export of used trucks, the Ministry of Commerce will work hard with relevant departments to do a good job in three tasks. Export of qualified used cars. Study and formulate national unified enterprise access standards, and establish a dynamic assessment and exit mechanism.

The second is to formulate policies to summarize and promote good experiences and good practices in places that have already started exporting used trucks, and introduce relevant promotion policies.

The third is to build an image, continue to compile and publish the "Guidelines for China's Used Trucks Export Countries", support enterprises to build overseas after-sales service systems, and guide used trucks industry organizations to strengthen industry self-discipline.