We are pleased to announce the successful delivery of a Geely Jiyue. This delivery not only highlights Geely's exceptional quality and technological prowess but also further strengthens our leading position in the market.

Geely Jiyue: The Perfect Blend of Innovation and Performance

The Geely Jiyue is a premium SUV under the Geely brand, renowned for its innovative design, powerful performance, and comprehensive features. Key highlights include:

Logistics and Delivery

Our logistics team strictly adheres to the highest safety and efficiency standards throughout the delivery process, ensuring the Geely Jiyue remains in perfect condition during transportation. Through meticulous planning and execution, we have successfully delivered the vehicle to our customer.

Market Impact

The successful delivery of the Geely Jiyue further demonstrates our competitiveness in the high-end SUV market. As consumer demand for high-performance, intelligent, and luxurious vehicles continues to grow, the Geely Jiyue will provide more customers with a premium travel option.

Our Commitment

We are committed to providing the best purchasing experience and service guarantee to our global customers. From the initial order to the final delivery, we always put customer satisfaction at the core, striving to exceed customer expectations at every step. In the future, we will continue to cultivate the market, bringing more exceptional automotive products and services to our customers.


The successful delivery of the Geely Jiyue marks another significant advancement in the automotive market. We thank our customers for their trust and support and look forward to providing more exceptional automotive solutions in the future.

We will continue our efforts to improve the quality of our products and services, ensuring every customer enjoys the best purchasing experience and service guarantee. Thank you to all our supportive customers, and we look forward to a brighter future together.